
First introductions

It's now time to present ourselves to you. In the next few posts we are going to say who we are, what our academic, professional and personal interests are and why we chose this specialization course.

    I'm Paula Carnasciali, born and raised in Osasco, SP, and first of five children. Things around the house often were a controlled mess, but my siblings and I were always surrounded by educators: my mom, aunts and older cousins, all public school teachers, helped us with Math assignments, Portuguese compositions and, most especially, instilled in us the love for books. 
    Becoming a teacher, though, was not so natural a process for me, and I just got my degree in 2008, at the age of 31, thanks to a full scholarship offered by Anhanguera Educacional Osasco, then called Faculdade Integração Zona Oeste.
    The learning process at FIZO was increadibly improved by fantastic educators, who were focused on interdisciplinarity, and who helped us interlace theory and practice in a seemingly effortless way. Besides that, I had the opportunity to meet great people there - true poets, really - who made the experience extra special, and later became my great friends.
    As a final college challenge, some of us had our ENADE evaluation (national performance exam conducted by MEC), and I obtained first place in the 2008 edition, as a undergraduate student of Letras. I was rewarded with this graduate specialization at Centro Universitário Anhanguera de São Paulo – Unidade Brigadeiro, and I hope to use our discussions here to write an article that will be of great value to my teaching praxis.

I am currently an English teacher at CNA Osasco Centro, working with learners with ages ranging from 10 to 50, of all levels. It has been a great joy being around them; if there is one thing I wish for everyone is finding a job that makes you excited and proud (and pays the bills, of course). As part of the MTV generation and daughter and sister of IT professionals, I am also interested in technolgy, Internet, gadgets, music and comics. As my Twitter profile says, I am a nerd and artist wannabe. I have made some playful attempts in writing (my numerous personal journals can attest to that), painting (our house is filled with family 'art') and even singing (OK, dreadful attempt). My next one will probably be dancing, so watch out!


Abordagens no Ensino de Línguas

That is the topic of this module, guided by professor Fabrício Ono. Once again we discussed the kind of learner we are dealing with: the Millennials: We All Want to Be Young (leg) - Geração Y, Millennials (video)

Last Saturday, we had an overview of language teaching methodologies. If you want to read more, here is one by Englishraven.com

And last but not least, we discussed this module's WebQuest. It will be divided in two parts: the creation of a blog and the creation of a collaborative text on Google Docs. Are you familiar with these tools?

More information about blogs on Blogger

Google Docs Tour

How to Use Google Documents: Video Series | eHow.com

How to Use Google Documents: Overview of User Interface (video)


From Poe to Machado - The revenge of the bourgeoisie

On July 6, we read and analyzed Machado de Assis' "A Causa Secreta" and Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado".

For great info on both stories, visit the sites below:

MSLEV's Cask of Amontillado page on Glogster

Catia Pietro da Silva's “Teoria do Benefício” e “A Causa Secreta”: poder, favor e exploração